WSCF 37th General Assembly 2022

Assembly Resources

Thursdays in Black

“There is a dire need to continually engage church leaders and society at large on how domestic violence can be reduced and brought under control. “Thursdays in Black” should continue to address and remind us of these problems, especially in the developing countries where gender-based violence prevails more”, said Mrs. Ebere Ubesie, National President, Student Christian Movement of Nigeria (SCM).

What to bring, venues, transportation,and other useful information for your stay in Germany.
WSCF GA 2022 Practical Information
ENG pdfPractical Information  pdfpart 2
FRE pdfInformations Pratiques
SPA pdfInformación Práctica
ARA pdfمعلومات عملية ومفيدة

WSCF GA 2022 Registration Fee
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