Mónica Treviño ÁlvarezOn April 1, 2024, the Executive Committee of the World Student Christian Federation (FUMEC/WSCF) accepted the search committee recommendation to hire Mónica Treviño Álvarez as the New Regional Secretary of WSCF in Latin America and the Caribbean and Global Program Coordinator.


Proceso de búsqueda de Ejecutivo Regional 2023

Secretaria/o Regional de América Latina y el Caribe: El Ejecutivo Regional es responsable de coordinar, gestionar, apoyar, organizar y ampliar las actividades de la FUMEC a nivel mundial y regional, de acuerdo con la Constitución y los Reglamentos de la FUMEC. Él/ella debe actuar según las recomendaciones del Comité Ejecutivo Global y la Mesa Directiva de ALC.

El Ejecutivo Regional para ALC trabajará con los Movimientos Estudiantiles Cristianos (MEC) y cooperará con la Mesa Directiva Regional, la Oficina Interregional y los miembros del Comité Ejecutivo, para garantizar que la misión de la WSCF/FUMEC-ALC se cumpla a través de programas y planificación estratégica.

WSCF -- WSCF-AfricaAre you looking for a dynamic student ministry opportunity? Do you have experience in program development, networking and managing budgets and teams from faith-based organisations, building trust and empowering the next generation of leaders? Do you have passion for working with young people for justice and peace and working within the global cultural and Christian/faith based context?

This is a global role with programmatic focus on Africa. You will be a part of the global team delivering programs together with other Executives in other parts of the world (based in Indonesia, Europa, Lebanon, Argentina, USA). At the same time, you will support our member movements in Africa, working closely with the Regional Committee, the International Regional Office, and long term partners.

WSCF -- WSCF-METhe Regional Executive and Global Program Director is responsible for coordinating, managing, supporting, organizing and expanding WSCF activities globally and regionally, according to the WSCF Constitution and By-laws. They are to act on recommendations of the Executive and Regional Committee respecting local laws.

The Regional Executive and Global Program Director will work with the Secretary General and Student Christian Movements (SCMs), and cooperate with the Regional Chair and Executive Committee members, to ensure that the mission of the Federation is fulfilled through programs and strategic planning.

New Leadership of the WSCF

pdfAnnouncement: New Leadership of the WSCF
pdfAnnonce: Nouveaux Dirigeants de la FUACE
pdfAnuncio: Nuevo Liderazgo de la FUMEC

Announcement: New Leadership of the World Student Christian Federation

From: World Student Christian Federation - Inter-Regional Office
To: Ecumenical fellowship, Student Christian Movements and partners
August 5th, 2021

The Extraordinary Virtual General Assembly (V-GA) of the World Student Christian Federation was held between July 29 and July 31, 2021. The V-GA elected the four officers of the WSCF for the next quadrennium and welcomed the recently elected General Secretary and the newly appointed ExCo members from the regions.

Marcelo LeitesMarcelo LeitesThe World Student Christian Federation (WSCF) is pleased to announce and introduce Mr. Marcelo Leites from Uruguay as the in-coming General Secretary of WSCF. This decision was made by the WSCF Executive Committee following more than a year of search process which began in October 2019 and was completed last November 2020. As the in-coming General Secretary, Marcelo Leites, will be presented by the Executive Committee to the member movements in the forthcoming WSCF General Assembly (GA) for approval.

Marcelo David Leites comes from a long history of involvement with the Student Christian Movements (SCMs) in Uruguay and WSCF LAC. He currently works as WSCF’s Regional Executive formerly called Regional Secretary for Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) from 2012 and Director for WSCF’s Global Program on Ecological Justice since 2016. Prior to this, Marcelo was a member of the Student Christian Movement of Uruguay from 2005 to 2011. He worked as a Social Educator, Campaigner and Accompanier for youth-related programs and projects in Montevideo, Uruguay before joining WSCF as the interim regional secretary for LAC in 2011.

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